
Just seven years ago, I endured a challenging journey with autoimmune
symptoms, indigestion, IBS, and memory loss, despite following a mostly
vegetarian diet and leading a healthy lifestyle. Realizing that I needed
to reclaim control over my health, I embraced the responsibility of
restoring my well-being wholeheartedly.

"Many people make changes to their diet, but often overlook the
importance of their water." Delving deep into water research and
filtration, I made a significant revelation: my health issues were
linked to oxidative stress and damage! Once I switched to a different
water source [*ERW], I noticed a remarkable transformation in myself within just one

4 years on and I feel like a completely different person: I look and feel healthy, I'm full of
energy, I feel focused, and I'm enjoying excellent digestion. In all honesty at my age I'm
in the best shape of my life!

I invite you to join me on this journey of
exploration and discover the incredible effects of consuming *ERW (medical name is *electrolyzed
reduced water, researched data on 'Pubmed' or 'Google Scholar') can do for you in your life.

By drinking this water you will receive the numerous benefits of ionized water, which can lead to a
truly rejuvenated and revitalized lifestyle.

Feel Amazing Inside And Out!

Water Is Life


As an authority on health and wellness, I understand the significance of water in your life and the lives of your clients. Oxidative stress and damage are the root causes of various age-related issues. Despite our best efforts to maintain our bodies and minds, factors such as stress, travel, food, and even breathing contribute significantly to oxidative stress.

I made a profound discovery: the water we consume can either harm us or aid in our well-being.

Did you know that our bodies are predominantly made up of water? The brain and heart consist of 73% water, while the lungs hold about 83%, and the skin contains 64% water. Muscles, kidneys, and even bones are composed of a significant percentage of water. Clearly, water is vital to our bodies and serves as the source of life. Therefore, choosing the right water to drink should be our top priority.

Through extensive research, I came to the realization that drinking bottled water or tap water was no longer an option for me. I began exploring water filtration systems and stumbled upon Kangen Water.

Kangen Water stands out as one of the best water choices available today. Not only is it alkalized, but it also boasts antioxidant-rich properties. It is free from contaminants, pure, healthy, electrolytically-reduced, and brimming with beneficial hydrogen content.

These medical-grade water filtration and ionizing machines are capable of producing five different types of water, each serving unique purposes. From drinking and cooking to disinfecting and cleaning, Kangen Water provides a comprehensive solution for all our water needs.

Being a fervent advocate of living water, I can attest to its life-changing benefits. By incorporating living water into your daily routine, you can experience clearer thinking, improved digestion, enhanced memory, reduced aches and pains, better sleep, and increased energy levels. This remarkable transformation has been the driving force behind my enthusiasm for living water, and I wholeheartedly believe it can do the same for you and your clients.

Bottled Water Is No Longer Viewed As A Luxury Item

The movement to stop bottled water is now popular with many businesses
across the globe, [The company 'Thankyou' production has totally ceased manufacturing, the manager and CEO Daniel Flynn, “[Bottled water] doesn’t make sense in Australia,” he said....“In
a significantly developed nation with perfectly acceptable drinking water
from the tap, it’s a rort. We got in on it because we could extract
money to help end extreme poverty.” who realize that plastic pollution is our problem.
Building a reputation and marketing campaign around a social movement
that is beneficial to the clients, the planet, and your business is not
only smart... it's the way of the future.

It’s estimated that a staggering one million plastic bottles are
purchased every minute around the world, with the vast majority of
plastic produced for single-use bottled water ending up in landfills and

Fun Fact according
to the Department of Water and the Environment, only 14 per cent of
plastic consumed by Australians is recovered for recycling or energy

So please stop buying single use plastic this is the solution that's a win-win for humanity and the planet.


Non-Toxic Cleaning

If you are a parent, you are well aware of the risks associated with
using cleaning and sterilizing agents, especially around children. But
imagine if there was a cost-effective and eco-friendly solution to clean
and sterilize your office, home, or even your children's toys. With
Strong Acid water, you can achieve just that! In a remarkable 30
seconds, this water effectively eradicates dangerous pathogens like
Salmonella, Mold, e-coli, Staphylococcus, and a multitude of other
bacteria and viruses. Even more appealing is the fact that this water is
biodegradable and environmentally friendly, offering a green cleaning

Discover the 13 Remarkable Uses of Strong Acidic Water 2.5pH Created by Your Kangen Water Machine for disinfecting and sterilizing.

With your Kangen Water Machine at home, you can generate strong acidic water 2.5pH, opening up a world of possibilities for cost-saving and chemical-free solutions! Here are the incredible ways you can use this potent liquid:

  1. Hand Sanitizer: Keep your hands clean and germ-free with this powerful disinfectant.
  2. Disinfectant: Safely sanitize surfaces and eliminate harmful bacteria around your home.
  3. Sterilizer: Ensure the highest level of cleanliness in various settings, from kitchen to bathroom.
  4. Stain Remover: Tackle tough stains on clothing and fabrics without harsh chemicals.
  5. Household Cleaner: Replace commercial cleaning products with this all-purpose, eco-friendly solution.
  6. Mouthwash + Throat Gargle: Maintain oral hygiene and freshness with this natural alternative.
  7. Teeth Whitener: Brighten your smile naturally and effectively.
  8. Odor Eliminator: Banish unpleasant smells from your living spaces.
  9. Skin Conditions: Soothe and improve skin conditions, including acne and irritations.
  10. Wound Care: Treat minor cuts and wounds with this gentle yet effective solution.
  11. First Aid Treatment: A must-have addition to your first aid kit for its disinfecting properties.

With the numerous benefits offered by strong acidic water 2.5pH, investing in a Kangen Water Machine for your home or workplace is a wise decision. Discover the transformative potential of this exceptional water solution today!

Discover the Remarkable Uses of Strong Kangen Water 11.5pH

  1. Clean Your Fruit & Vegetables: Eliminate toxic pesticides from your greens by soaking them in Strong Kangen Water for at least 5 minutes. This natural cleaning method not only kills bacteria and parasites but also extends the shelf life of your produce.
  2. Natural Makeup Remover: Ditch expensive makeup removers and use Strong Kangen Water with cotton pads to effortlessly remove makeup before bedtime.
  3. Laundry Detergent Replacement: Replace your regular laundry detergent with 1 to 2 quarts of Strong Kangen Water per load, particularly effective for greasy or oily work clothes.
  4. Support Your Sleep: Enjoy a restful night's sleep by drinking 1/2-1 ounce of 11.5 pH water before bedtime, promoting the release of melatonin.
  5. Reduce Puffy Eyes: Spritz your eyes with Strong Kangen Water using a glass spray bottle to reduce puffiness effectively.
  6. Soothe Sunburn: Soak a towel in Strong Kangen Water 11.5 pH and apply it to the affected area for at least 30 minutes twice a day, providing relief for sunburn. For even greater effectiveness, apply for an hour twice daily.
  7. Migraine Relief: When you sense a migraine coming on, drink a glass or two of Strong Kangen Water 11.5pH to potentially alleviate symptoms.
  8. Improve Your Acidic Drinks: Create ice cubes from Strong Kangen Water to offset acidity in your cold beverages.
  9. Natural Paint Thinner: After using oil-based paints, skip chemical-based paint thinners and use Strong Kangen Water to clean your paint brushes.
  10. Polish Your Silverware: Revive the shine in your silverware by soaking them in Strong Kangen Water and then polishing them to perfection.

With Strong Kangen Water 11.5pH, you can embrace a natural and eco-friendly approach to various tasks, from cleaning and beauty routines to enhancing your sleep and relieving discomfort. Experience the transformative power of Strong Kangen Water and simplify your life while promoting overall well-being.


We explore Ionised Water

ERW stands for Electrolyzed Reduced Water. Here is a 20-minute video
explaining how this treated water works in your home. Press play to

Ionised Water, What is it?